The Carteret Junior Softball League, serving the youth of our community since 1969! Where building character and sportsmanship is FUN!
The Carteret Junior Softball League is committed to instilling character, courage and compassion in the young girls of Carteret. Our goal is to assure your children a safe, enjoyable experience while providing both physical exercise and emotional development in the competitive yet respectable environment of sports.
Accomplishing these goals will require the cooperation of all our coaches and parents. We need to accentuate and reinforce the positives, not only the physical achievements but, sportsmanship, good conduct, and teamwork on and off the field as well. We as parents, coaches, and role models must behave with these objectives in mind. Acting appropriately is essential for the benefit of not only our young girls playing but, also the young adults of our community who are officiating our games.
Come out! Get involved with your children!
Carteret Junior Softball League (CJSL)
280 Pershing Ave
Carteret, NJ 07008
Phone: 732-497-2250
Email: [email protected]